All Prompts

SBF - Satisfying Shroomi (Pt.III)

SBF - Satisfying Shroomi (Pt.III)

Ends: 31 May 2024, 23:59:59 EDT (3 weeks from now)

Just after we finished solving a theft - there's more happening! What could be going on?


Hold it! This prompt has a prerequisite!
You must have an approved submission for the prompt "Sparkling Shrines" before entering this prompt.

✦ Satisfying Shroomi ✦

April 1st - May 31st

Quest Giver: Ryder
"Well, can’t say I’ve personally seen this type of behaviour in mushrooms before. But I also can’t say I’ve ever encountered a sentient mushroom either. I wonder what sort of developmental behaviour must have occurred in their society for- never mind. That’s something for me to investigate at a later time. Doesn’t look like these critters are willing to give up their things without a fight and I don’t know about you, but worrying about hostile mushrooms isn’t really something extra I need on my plate at the moment."

As much as your Soosh wants to be respectful of other’s celebrations of the spring festival, theft from the commonfolk is also morally wrong. What type of trade deal can your Soosh organise with these mushrooms? Peace needs to be maintained between the two parties, otherwise the town’s own spring festivities may be placed in jeopardy.

Depict your Soosh coming to a resolution that will make both the mushrooms and the town satisfied. Get creative about how your Soosh can help them still perform their spring festival rituals while still getting everyone’s items back.

Do they hold a craft day where sooshes and mushrooms alike can make sparkly crafts together? Do they organise a standoff exchange where valuable items are traded for lesser value (but shinier) new items?

✦ Requirements ✦


 • Depict a scene that includes at least (1) of your own sooshes or an NPC

• Background with at least four unique objects fully visible MUST be included alongside a full body of your selected Soosh for this prompt to be accepted.



Full-Body, Flat-Colored,

Minimum 1000 words


Eligible characters
Owned Sooshes, Cookie,
NPCs, & Non-owned Sooshes

Ineligible characters:
Retired Sooshes


✦ Rewards ✦

Base Reward

350 Cookies

250 Petals

Mushroom Wonderland Patch

1 Random Shroomi



Artwork Bonus:
+50 if you include shading (Expert Level)

Writing Bonus:
+50 if you write 1500 words

Character Bonus:
+50 if you include a non-owned Soosh

Pet Bonus:
+50 if you include an owned pet


Reward Amount
Cookies 350
Petals 250
Mushroom Wonderland 1
Shroomi 1
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